Bet on Boxing Choices

November 30th, 2010 Boxing Betting

Bet on boxing choices for most fights involve two basic options while marquee fights will have a lot more choices.

The marquee fights will have bet on boxing odds on which fighter will win and whether or not the fight goes over or under the posted rounds.

Bet on boxing choices start with betting on a fighter to win.  This is a simple money line wager that has one fighter favored against another.  For example, you might have a boxer listed at -400 to win a fight while the underdog was +300 on the bet on boxing odds.  This bet on boxing option would have you risking 4-1 on the favorite and getting 3-1 on the underdog.  You could risk any amount of money on that boxing bet and get the odds associated with it.

The next bet on boxing option involves the rounds.  Usually the sportsbook will set a round proposition bet that is anywhere from a few rounds all the way up to 11.5.  The round boxing bet odds are based upon how the fight is expected to go.  This is also a money line wager for gamblers that are looking to bet on boxing.

Another choice you will see sometimes as you bet on boxing is how the fight will end.  Will a fighter win by knockout or by decision as you place a boxing bet?  This bet on boxing option is usually listed like this:

Boxer A by decision 3-1
Boxer A by knockout 2-1
Boxer B by decision 5-1
Boxer B by knockout 7-1

As you look at the bet on boxing options you may want to consider some of these longshot prop bets.  You may also find that in marquee fights you will have odds on what round the fight will end in.  This bet on boxing option is usually only available on marquee fights that get a lot of action by people placing a boxing bet.

Take a look at the many different boxing choices you have for fights this year.  You will oftentimes see boxing matches and odds listed every month of the year.  Some of these fights will be more popular than others, but anytime you have a chance to wager on a boxing match and have good information it is good news for you.