Belmont Stakes Wagering Greatness at SBG Global

November 30th, 2010 Belmont Stakes Betting

Belmont Stakes wagering history will always look back to the 1973 Belmont Stakes when Secretariat wowed an entire nation.

His win in Belmont betting was simply unbelievable. He won by 31 lengths and in a world record time of 2 minutes 24 second. It was one of the greatest moments in Belmont Stakes wagering history.

Belmont Stakes wagering has seen some exciting moments but Secretariat’s win in 1973 was one of the best not only in horse racing, but in all of sports. No horse has ever matched the greatness of Secretariat in that race and it was a magical time in Belmont Stakes wagering history. The margin of victory in Belmont Stakes wagering was so large that it actually had to be determined later because the 1973 camera for television didn’t have the picture. The Daily Racing Form had to study films and other angles to get the official margin of victory in Belmont Stakes wagering. What makes Secretariat’s win even more amazing in Belmont betting is that the horse was pushed at the beginning of the race by a horse named Sham. The first quarter mile was a blazing 23 3/5 and it didn’t stop there in the Belmont Stakes wagering race. The speed wore out Sham who finished last in Belmont Stakes wagering but Secretariat just kept going.

Another part of that 1973 Belmont betting race was what jockey Ron Turcotte chose to do. With such a huge lead he could have eased up on Secretariat but he chose to let the horse run in that 1973 Belmont Stakes wagering race. It could be that Turcotte wanted the horse to break the record because he already had broken the Kentucky Derby and Preakness records in previous weeks. Turcotte allowed Secretariat a moment of greatness that may never be repeated. The horse captured the attention of the entire world with the 1973 Belmont betting performance. Greatness is not often seen but the 1973 Belmont Stakes wagering race was one that will never be forgotten with Secretariat establishing records that may never be broken in Belmont Stakes wagering or in any other horse race.