Online Betting on the Daytona 500 at SBG Global

NASCAR online Betting is one of the fastest growing sports in the country and so it’s only fair that Daytona 500 betting get its share of the public limelight. Daytona 500 betting has been all the rage of late. However, a great debate has been spawned in recent years as to which is the great sporting event, Super Bowl betting or Daytona 500 betting.

Daytona 50 betting, for those not aware is the biggest stock racing event ever known to man. It is simply huge and boggles the mind to even try and comprehend the magnitude and the excitement of Daytona 500 betting. The event is held in the most famous venue in all of stock racing and there has never been a person that’s tried their hand at Daytona 500 betting and been disappointed.

The Super Bowl of course needs no introduction. It is simply the biggest sporting event in the country and one of the biggest sporting events in the world. But Daytona 500 betting has been sneaking up on the NFL as one of America’s favorite sports and to the surprise of any sports fans the Super Bowl and Daytona 500 betting actually measure up pretty well. The Super Bowl is seen by more people and of course more people are familiar with football and so more people engage in Super Bowl betting than Daytona 500 nline Betting but the gap is closing.

Fans unfamiliar with NASCAR betting may be shocked to learn that many more people attend the Daytona 500 and are exposed to Daytona 500 betting trackside than the Super Bowl. For example, most Super Bowls are attended by around 80, 000 people. That’s a pretty solid number but compels the numbers put in NASCAR betting events. Hundreds of thousands of fans flock to every NASCAR betting event and at the Daytona 500 that number grows precipitously.

For the biggest event of the stock car racing year fans pack the stands at the North Florida beach town to watch the race and try their hand at Daytona 500 betting. Somewhere between a quarter and a half million people pack the stands around the straightaways in Daytona and certainly many of those fans are participating in Daytona 500 betting whether trackside or via online betting sites.

At the Super Bowl not nearly as many people show up for the game as the stadiums can’t accommodate nearly so many people. Both events are quite exciting, but if you’ve never tried your hand at Daytona 500 betting than you have no idea what you’ve been missing.