Nascar Betting unique and exciting sports at SBG Global

You needn’t be an expert in the sport to enjoy this form of uniquely American auto racing but a few bits of foundation information are important when thinking of trying out NASCAR betting.

For sports betting fans in other parts of the world perhaps not all that familiar with the NASCAR betting, it’s simply to learn but can be a bit perplexing at first glance. NASCAR betting is a hybrid sport that is part auto racing and part gladiator spectacle.  In this way it varies ever so much from more traditional forms of auto racing that auto racing betting fans are perhaps accustomed to in other parts of the world. 

Take for example Formula One racing, which is night and day different from NASCAR betting.  In F-1 racing the drivers are looking for the lightest, fastest sleekest car design they can get.  In NASCAR betting, every driver has exactly the same car which is huge, boxy, heavy and relatively inefficient.  This is not the norm in most types of auto racing betting.

In addition, contact is welcome in NASCAR betting racing whereas the very notion of tapping your fellow racers is completely unheard of in most types of open wheel racing.  In F-1 and Indy racing in the US as well as the various other types of open wheel auto racing betting like sprint cars or the Toyota Racing League, bumping your fellow competitors is not only not welcome but it is greatly frowned upon due to the inevitable collisions that it produces.  In NASCAR betting this pandemonium is not only welcome, but it is in fact the back bone of the sport.

People love to see horrific accidents and that’s much of the reason why fans are so attracted to NASCAR betting.  Every race that is run in NASCAR betting has the potential to produce a heat stopping collision.  But a car wreck in NASCAR betting is much more than just two cars hitting each other.  This happens all the time as cars crowd through the turns three abreast and tapping and rubbing your fellow drivers’ car is common place –as are the mind numbing pile ups that result from this type of NASCAR betting activity.  

Because the NASCAR betting tracks are so crowded with cars racing at such close proximity, when there is a collision, it generally involves many, many cars.  And that like it or not, is a huge drawing card for this type of auto racing betting.