What’s new in F1 Betting 2008 at SBG Global

F1 betting has remained at the top of the auto racing food chain by consistently changing to meet the demands of the racing world.

After every season the F1 betting league principals and committees constantly tweak and change things to provide the best product possible for auto racing betting fans.

The 2008 season is no different and while there are no huge changes in the works, there are enough new elements in F1 betting to ensure fan interest is kept and the sport is improved. Formula 1 betting fans will recall the amazing finish to last year’s season and wonder how this season can be improved. Well, as the old adage goes, “if it aint’ broke don’t fix it” seems to apply quite aptly to the state of F1 betting at present.

And so for the first time in several years there will be no major rule changes in the F1 betting circuit. There will however be a change in the racing calendar as there generally is in F1 betting. The newest stop on the F1 betting circuit will be Singapore. Not many auto racing betting fans are likely familiar with Singapore as auto racing betting has been banned there for decades. However, in the government’s attempt to stimulate economic growth they have courted the world of F1 betting and landed an inarguable race in 2008.

This road course promises to be one of the most exciting in all of F1 betting. While it can’t match the iconic road courses in F1 betting like Monaco in history or tradition, it will certainly wow the F1 betting fans with its scenic bayside layout. The course will cross over water several times, pass by the city’s outstanding skyline and even feature a series of winding inclines. One thing is certain; the Singapore F1 betting stop is likely to become a circuit mainstay.

But many other changes will also come to F1 betting in 2008 as well. One of the biggest moves has been two time F1 betting driving champ switching from McLaren after just one year to rejoin his former F1 betting team Renault. And nothing could be better for F1 betting as his turn at Renault should instantly make the Constructors Cup competition a three team race.