Favorites in AFL Betting Odds

November 30th, 2010 Arena Football Betting

AFL betting odds have favorites and underdogs each week

While it is advisable to always look first at the underdog in AFL odds, there are definitely times when you will want to take the favorite in a game. The key, of course, is to avoid making overlays and to get the cheapest possible price and best value versus AFL betting odds.

AFL betting odds don’t always have the better team favored. Keep in mind that the underdog is not necessarily the lesser team. It obviously makes no sense to be laying points on a team that is favored in AFL betting odds only because of public perception rather than reality but gamblers do it every week. So start with this basic and simple principle that says that if you are laying points, you betting be doing it with the better team in AFL odds.
Once you have determined the better team in AFL betting odds you must find ways to determine if their advantage is great enough to cover that number on the pointspread that you must lay. If a team is just marginally better, you may want to back off in AFL betting odds. You want a clear cut edge that is reflected in the AFL betting odds.

As you look at the AFL betting odds ask yourself whether the favorite has a clear edge on defense against the underdog. If not, then be very careful about laying points on the AFL odds board. You simply cannot ever afford to lay points to a superior defensive team in AFL betting odds as it’s a bad value.

When you are laying points in AFL betting odds with a team you cannot afford that luxury if the dog has better special teams in which they can “steal” a cover with a kick return, blocked kicks, or better field goal kicking. Too many wagers go bust on kicking teams to be laying points in AFL betting odds without an edge in special teams.

Keep in mind when you consider laying points in AFL odds to decide which team is actually the best team, which one has the better defense and which team has the special team’s edge.