The AFL Betting Odds Bankroll

November 30th, 2010 Arena Football Betting

AFL betting odds success starts with a bankroll.How you manage your bankroll and the decisions you make in regards to money management will play a big role in determining how successful you are versus AFL odds this season.

Let’s consider some bankroll tips and some money management ideas that can help you maintain a healthy bankroll.

AFL betting odds are definitely wagered against with more success if a gambler has a solid bankroll. The principles of money management are important to consider when looking at AFL betting odds. One question that should be asked in regards to AFL betting odds is what is your purpose? What are you trying to get out of it? Assuming that you are trying to win money versus AFL odds, you should establish a vision of where you want to end up at the end of the season. Set amounts that you can realistically attain and that will help you maintain discipline and focus versus AFL betting odds. Don’t expect to win every single game or every single week during the Arena League season. Be realistic with your goals and your chances of reaching them will be greater.

Each week you should establish an amount that you will not, under any circumstances, go over as far as total losses for that week versus AFL betting odds. You don’t want a bad week versus AFL betting odds to turn into a disaster that ruins your entire season. Also keep in mind when wagering versus AFL odds that you don’t want to give back money won. When you win money versus AFL betting odds remember that it is not “the house’s money” but, instead, it is your money and you should treat it as such. Winning is not a license to get cocky and careless versus AFL odds but, instead, it is a responsibility that should be taken seriously. Keep yourself in control and stay focused on the long term goal.

Always remember that a bankroll is a necessity when wagering versus AFL betting odds. In addition to your bankroll you also need a plan for that money versus AFL betting odds. You must have solid money management to avoid going on tilt and losing everything when wagering versus AFL betting odds.