Who’s Still Available in the Offshore Wagering NBA Free Agent Bonanza?

December 13th, 2021 Online Wagering

When the NBA betting free agency period officially opened up on July 1st the whole offshore betting world knew it was going to be an online wagering phenomenon the likes of which had never before been realized. Never before had we seen such a rich field of free agents to chose from at the same time and online wagering companies prepared early for the almost cataclysmic shift in NBA betting balance of power that was likely to take place.

With the big targets mostly of taken off the market with the first week or so of this NBA betting free agency bonanza the headlines and speculation in the offshore wagering action have subsided a bit and with LeBron, Wade and Bosh all ensconced in Miami for the upcoming NBA betting season many sports betting fans have lost interested in the entire drawn out and incredibly overhyped event.

But fans interested in playing the online wagering companies’ odds in the upcoming NBA betting season there are still many free agents out there that will sign in the coming weeks that could have a profound impact on the offshore wagering odds in the 2010-11 NBA betting season.

Al Harrington (17.7 ppg, 5.6 RPG) is one of these players and probably the most coveted free agent that has yet to sign with a team.  He’s rumored to be interested in playing for the LeBron-less Cavs and would offer struggling Cleveland fans a bit of hope.

Luis Scola is another coveted free agent.  He’s a big man that averaged 16.2 ppg, and 8.6 RPG in 2009-10 but is all but certain to re-sign with the Rockets.  Then there’s the ‘biggest’ free agent of them all, Shaq.  This former unstoppable force in the paint has became a shadow of his former self in recent years and averaged career lows last season for the Cavs (12.0 ppg, 6.7 RPG).  He could make difference in the NBA betting action for some team but most franchises aren’t willing to accommodate his huge salary demands and even bigger ego.

A few free agents flying under the offshore wagering radar include Roger Mason (6.3 ppg, 2.0 RPG) and Ronnie Brewer (9.4 ppg, 3.4 RPG).  Neither of these players has eye popping stats but both are very solid role players that could help put a team over the top.


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