On the whole, craps remain one of the most popular games of all for online casino gambling. Craps betting combines fast action with great odds and pulsating excitement. All told it is a combination that can’t be beat. While the first look at a craps table can appear to be confusing it’s actually not. Craps is one of the most basic and simple games to play. The layout of the craps tables simply allows bets within bets. Specifically, that aspect of the game makes it so popular with gamblers. A low house edge makes this a must game to play.
The House Edge
Overall no other game can top craps for its advantageous odds. Gamblers love the fact that the house edge is virtually nothing as long as the game is played intelligently. Where the house makes its money is with a few sucker bets that have terrible online wagering value. As long as you avoid those bets you are as close to even money as you can get. Most important of all when you play with us you can earn bonuses for doing so. That means your gambling bankroll gets more action with less risk. For this reason, craps is a must!
Basic Best Bets
At the beginning your best craps betting choices are Pass, Don’t Pass and or Come, Don’t Come. If a player would do nothing else but wager on those simple options, he will do fine. That is because the house edge for those bets is a minuscule 1.4%. With such low vig, a player can have a great time with plenty of action and know he won’t go bust early. Following Pass and Come bets as good choices are Place 6, Place 8, and sometimes Field 2 or 12. From there the rest of the bets are for fools.
Worst Bets
By contrast, the house more than makes up for its generosity with some terrible bets. These serve to offset the low vig on the best bets on the craps table, online casinos realize that most of the players play by the feel or with intuition. These players are “marks” for horrible bets on the craps table. To illuminate such bets are the “Hard Way 4” and “Hard Way 10” are real bankroll busters. That is because the house edge is jacked up to an absurd 11%. Sure, one roll prop bets are tempting. But totally stupid!
Right Way Betting
To be exact the best craps players keep it simple. Many wells develop labels such as being a “right way bettor.” Such gamblers are a craps version of “three yards and a cloud of dust.” On these occasions, a “right way bettor” will simply bet the come and pass bets with the table. Encompassing that strategy is the fact that these are the best plays with the odds that can be found. New craps players like to start this way and branch out to more exotic wagers as they learn the game.
Pass Line Bet
The Pass Line bet ranks as popular as any at the craps table for gamblers. You can only lose on a dice roll of 2, 3, or 12 on the come-out roll. Subsequently, you can only lose on a dice roll of seven after the point has been established.