2010 Stanley cup Betting Odds Spotlight on Game 4

For those hockey betting fans that thought the 2010 Stanley Cup betting odds competition was going to end in a predictable sweep with the Chicago Blackhawks hoisting Lord Stanley’s chalice, you can start eating crow at any time.

After a tremendous 4-3 OT win in Game 3 of this heated Stanley Cup betting odds matchup the Philadelphia Flyers made clear to the sports betting world that they (to borrow from the great poet Dylan) would not “go gentle into the night.”  The Flyers will indeed “fight, fight, fight” for their shot at the 2010 Stanley Cup betting odds title.

And while hockey betting fans aren’t likely poetry buffs, it matters little as the themes in Dylan’s poem are universal and the only thing of any import right now is that we’ve got one helluva NHL betting series on our hands!

The home team has won every single game in the Stanley Cup wagering action so far and so a simply revision of the NHL odds would likely conclude that the Flyers have the upper hand heading into Game 4.  After all, this Philly squad has been a team of hockey betting destiny all season long.  How else do explain a #7 seed making it all the way to the Stanley Cup betting action.  Or how might you try and rationalize the Flyers coming back from a 3-0 deficit in the NHL playoff betting action against the Boston Bruins?

But sports betting mysticism aside, the Flyers are a very good team.  And the longer this series goes, the better the NHL odds chances that Philly will win.  Playing in front of a hometown crowd that is certifiably insane the Flyers are all but unbeatable and they will again draw a tremendous amount of energy from the Philly maniacs.

In Game 3, a must win Stanley Cup betting odds matchup for the Flyers, the offense came alive and they team finally found the right combination for Stanley Cup betting odds victory.  Danny Briere (1 goal, 1 assist) and Claude Giroux (game winning goal, 2 assists) were terrific and Chris Pronger was a terror on both ends of the ice (1 assist).  The Flyers blue-print for success is an all-out assault on the goal bringing defenders forward and trying to dominate the power play on the way to their next Stanley Cup betting odds victory.

It’s a great plan when it works but it also leaves goalie Michael Leighton a bit vulnerable to break away goals.  But so long as they outscore the Hawks, hockey betting convention is damned.

Expect to see another wide open game with plenty of goals and when the ice shaving settle look for the series to be even (2-2) as the Stanley Cup betting action heads back to the Windy City.