Atlanta Hawks 2009-2010 Preview Basketball Betting

February 20th, 2024 Live NBA Betting Lines

Basketball betting experts love the Hawks. If there’s anything that is characteristic of a good team worthy of the NBA betting title, it’s forward progress. Sure, any team can do good one year and then drop off the basketball betting map the next. But for the Atlanta Hawks, it’s all been about moving ahead one step at a time. Back in the 2008 basketball betting playoffs the Hawks were unable to make it past the first round, but they gave the Boston Celtics a run for their money.

Basketball betting the following year showed some improvement on the Hawks’ part, as they were able to get 7 games further into the 2nd round of the playoffs, but their NBA betting title run ended there. This year, the Hawks are expected to get even further. SBG Global’s basketball betting futures odds have the Hawks at +7000 to win the 2010 NBA Championship.

Something to look out for with the Atlanta Hawks is the flexibility of every player on the team, and even on the bench. Each player can play at least one other position, so there’s never a lack of NBA betting strength in each spot on the court. Everyone’s got their teammates covered. Mike Bibby came to the Hawks last year and put on a little bit of a basketball betting show, and Joe Johnson is also a player to look out for. Johnson isn’t only a scoring threat; he’s also an excellent passer and knows how to use his team well. Just when you think you’ve got him covered, he’ll make an effective pass off to another player and you might as well chalk that up as another 2 points in basketball betting for the Hawks.

But where do the Hawks fall short in basketball betting? Rebounds. Though this shortcoming of theirs didn’t really get between them and the playoffs, winning 47 games last basketball betting season, it can definitely stunt their progress. Unless the Hawks work on their rebounds and start turning them into some points, it’ll be tough for them to get past the basketball betting Conference Semifinals.

NBA betting fans can look to bet on the Atlanta Hawks this season, as they look like they’ll provide some very good value. Expect the Hawks to finish 2nd place in their basketball betting division.