Online Baseball Betting Lines

March 20th, 2024 Betting on MLB Baseball

Online baseball betting lines are pretty easy to understand once you get the basics down. Let’s take a look at some examples you are likely to see when you look at the baseball betting line. Online MLB betting lines are based on money lines. Let’s take a look at a sample baseball betting line. The game is the Chicago White Sox at the Minnesota Twins.

You next see two names, Buerhle on top and Santana on the bottom. Buerhle is the starting pitcher for the visiting White Sox and Santana, the starter for the Twins. The visitor is always listed on top that is why Buerhle’s name appears first. Next you will see a +150 next to Buerhle’s name and a -170 by Santana’s name. You would next see an over/under number, 8 in this case, which is the total that gamblers can wager on whether or not the two teams will clear. It looks like this in online baseball betting:

White Sox – Buehrle +150
Twins – Santana -170
Total 9

The online MLB betting difference between the favorite and dog often depends on the line. The larger the favorite the bigger the online MLB  betting difference will be. In our White Sox/Twins online MLB betting example, the line is a “twenty cent” line as the difference between the favorite and dog is twenty cents. Sometimes, in games in which the online baseball betting favorite is minus three-hundred or more, the spread can be forty or even fifty cents. Along with reading the standard MLB betting lines there are parlay, teaser, and prop bets to consider on each game.

Keep in mind that when you are looking over the baseball betting lines there are very likely to be fluctuations on the prices, and that those numbers rarely stay stagnant as the online MLB betting oddsmakers will adjust the board based on consumer demand/activity.

For some people, it is a good rule to not play on favorites of more than -150 on the online baseball betting lines and to try and take the good teams when they are on the road, rather than when they are at home. Road teams, more often than not, bring more value on the online MLB betting lines than do home teams, because the masses tend to flock to the home teams out of their own “comfort zone” mentality. The online baseball betting lines are an easy read once you get the hang of it, but the trick is to know who to bet once you understand the online MLB betting line.