MLB All Star Game Odds vs. Odds for Normal Games

April 18th, 2024 Betting on MLB Baseball

MLB All Star Game odds may be presented just like odds for normal baseball games, but the baseball All Star Game odds must be handicapped much differently. Such is the case because various factors which are extremely important when handicapping odds for typical games have little or no importance when handicapping baseball All Star odds. On the other hand, other factors that normally have very little importance suddenly become paramount when judging the baseball All Star Game odds.

The baseball All Star Game odds, for example, should be handicapped with little consideration devoted towards home field advantage, because only a small group of participants playing at home will likely enjoy such an advantage. Moreover, each individual player can only have very limited influence over the MLB All Star Game odds because each player will only play a short period of time. In normal games the starting non-pitchers will likely play the full game while the starting pitchers will play a large portion of it.

However, when handicapping the MLB All Star Game odds one must recognize that most players will be rotated out of the game after a fairly short span of time in order to allow other All Stars to enter. Such rotations impede each squad’s ability to cover the MLB All Star Game odds by damaging the chemistry among the players on the field. Moreover, bettors analyzing the baseball All Star odds should acknowledge that such chemistry is already often quite lacking because the players are not accustomed to playing with one another.

As a result, to handicap the MLB All Star Game odds properly one must view the All Star game as primarily a game played by individual players, rather than teams. For instance, when evaluating the baseball All Star Game odds one must determine which players are most likely to perform well and give their teams an edge in the baseball All Star Game odds. This assessment of the baseball All Star odds may be influenced by numerous factors, including whether a player has prior experience in the All Star game and whether he seems to care about the game.

Moreover, to handicap the MLB All Star Game odds one should examine how a player is performing in his past dozen or so games. If a player is in either a cold or hot streak then such a streak may very well extend into the All Star game, thereby influencing his team’s ability to cover the baseball All Star Game odds. Similarly, if any player is dealing with a lingering injury then he will probably be reluctant to push himself very hard in the relatively meaningless All Star Game. In other words, while baseball betting normally requires assessing the potential of a team as a whole, successful analysis of the baseball All Star odds depends much more on assessing the sum of the individual parts of each roster.