Soccer Betting Spotlight on Beckham in America

Soccer betting in the US has never seen a bigger story. Not even Pele’s arrival in New York in the 70’s rivaled David Beckham’s soccer betting arrival in LA.

He had the entire US soccer betting world in his palm, but my, how things have changed in such a short period of time.

Soccer betting pundits predicted the honeymoon would sour and in its place a bitter resentment would remain with the betting on soccer public. But of course the great majority of the soccer betting body preferred to ignore these naysayers and got caught up in the Beckham-mania. And why not? It was a great story not just for soccer betting but for all of the sport. The US soccer scene had finally arrived. It was drawing top talent and with Beckham’s influence it was just a matter of time before other superstars of international betting on soccer renowned came knocking on the door of the MLS.     

But reality set in last spring and it was obvious that despite the huge buckets of cash showered on Becks this soccer betting marriage was hardly made in heaven. During his brief stay in LA injuries, lackluster play, poor team performances in the betting on soccer competition has culminated in an apparent disinterest on the part of the English legend.

The honeymoon is officially over and when the next soccer betting season ends it’s all but a given that Beckham will opt out of his contract with the LA Galaxy and bid adieu to the US soccer betting scene –at least for now. But you can hardly blame him.

When Beckham signed with the Galaxy everyone remembers the buzz about a new beginning on a new betting on soccer continent and the hope he brought. But at that point in his career he had been run out Man U by a rabid manager and ran out of the Bernabeu by zealous fans and had been dropped from the national team. It seemed that at 32 years of age his soccer betting career in Europe was done.

But he found new life with AC Milan and worked his way back onto the national side. All of sudden the MLS soccer betting competition is more like a hindrance than an opportunity for Beckham and it wouldn’t make any sense for him to continue in the minor leagues when he can be star on the biggest stages of soccer betting.

US fans may not like it, but they can hardly blame the star for jettisoning back to the old continent.