Soccer Betting Rumors continue around Ronaldo at SBG Global

It should come as little surprise that the soccer betting world is consumed with Cristiano Ronaldo.

After all he is the greatest player on the planet right now and anyone that has laid a soccer bet on one of his teams has been left in awe. But it’s not his play that the soccer betting world is chatting about, but rather which soccer betting side will he be playing for at the start of the next domestic season?

British tabloids have a real knack for digging up crazy soccer betting trade rumors but this seems to be the real deal. Ronaldo himself, rather than toning down the talk, has revved it up with own comments that have kept the soccer betting world enthralled. Rather than denying the rumors as most players at the upper levels of soccer betting do, Ronaldo has only sought to confirm that has a great interest in playing for Real Madrid, even as he remains under contract at soccer betting Champions League winner, Man U.

Anyone that has ever made a soccer bet in Europe knows that when such talk occurs a player is usually on his way out. However, the soccer betting situation with Ronaldo is unique for several reasons. One reason is that Man U head man Fergie detests the giant Spanish club and would rather eat his boots than send his best player there. It would almost be a good soccer bet that Fergie would rather keep Ronaldo on the bench at Man U and never play him next season than give him to his bitter soccer betting enemy.

But the only thing Fergie cares more about than spiting his soccer betting enemies is winning. It’s clear that Ronaldo doesn’t want to be at Man U next season, and it would be all but impossible for Fergie to take him back into his soccer betting fold after the way he’s handled this ordeal. The Man U manager has aid that Ronaldo will never play a soccer betting match for Real Madrid, but more than likely he’s simply trying to jack up the transfer price or buy time to negotiate with other clubs.

One thing seems certain though, it would not be a sound soccer bet to wager that Ronaldo will be in Man U red next year. The only question is if not Madrid, then where?