Soccer Betting Odds at Euro Cup Betting at SBG Global

With the Euro Cup well underway and the quarter final selections already made the soccer betting odds makers are sweating it out.

Predicted to be a very competitive tournament before the action began the online soccer betting has followed this storyline to a tee. With all eight teams remaining very evenly matched, it is all but impossible to determine the soccer betting odds winner and online soccer betting wagers are difficult during this tournament as they’ve been in years.

As opposed to the other Euro Cup soccer betting odds tournaments in recent years there was no real favorite heading into the 2008 action. With a handful of teams all very well qualified to perhaps come out on top of the online soccer betting, it has been very difficult if not impossible to pick the winning team in the soccer betting odds.

The biggest surprise of the knockout rounds of course is the French getting knocked out of the Group of Death by a very lackluster performance in its early soccer betting odds match ups. And with a chance to keep its soccer betting hopes alive against Italy, the team rolled over and died. No doubt, this aging group is in for some major overhauling and soccer betting odds fans can expect to see a very different French side in the next online soccer betting competition.

Another major surprise so far in the Euro Cup soccer betting odds also comes from the Group of death where the Netherlands have been beating the tar out of every soccer betting odds opponent they’ve faced. The Orange squad waxed not only Franc but also reigning world champ Italy by embarrassing soccer betting odds margins to ensure a birth in the online soccer betting quarterfinals. And even with their second team squad the Dutch waxed the Romanians in a basically meaningless soccer betting odds contest.

The feel good story of the soccer betting odds so far has been the Turks. This heartbreak squad has provide the best moments of the Euro Cup soccer betting odds action so far with two amazing come from behind victories. Hopefully, for the sake of fans and soccer betting odds fans, the team can keep up their exciting run.