Euro Cup Betting has been highlight of sports betting

Every four years the Euro Cup betting comes around and every four years the Euro odds dominate the world of wagering.

Yet there are still some people among the sports betting world that unfamiliar with either the Euro Cup betting or the Euro Cup odds. As this year’s edition of the Euro Cup betting draws to a close the sports world bids adieu to the top sporting draw of the 2008 calendar year.

So far 2008 has turned out to be one of the better years for sports betting in recent memory and the highlight has undoubtedly been the Euro Cup betting. Consider that the year started off with one of the best Super Bowls in the history of sport and at the mid-way point it’s being topped off by the Euro Cup odds. In between the Super Bowl and the Euro Cup betting there have also been all kinds of great sports betting fun. The NCAA Finals, the NBA Finals, a run at the Triple Crown in horse racing, but still nothing has come close to topping the Euro Cup betting.

This year’s Euro Cup betting has been especially good -even by the high standards of Euro Cup action over the years. For once the play has been more or less free of the stalling and defensive tactics of teams like Greece and Italy, and for once the games in the Euro Cup betting -almost without exception- have been played the way soccer is meant to be played. With most of the top teams possessing very forward thinking coaches and players it has been a joy to watch the attacking play of the Euro Cup betting teams.

Even the low scoring teams this year in the Euro Cup odds have been fun to watch. Take for example the scoreless Spain vs. Italy match which ended in one several Euro Cup betting penalty shootouts. Even though no goals were knocked it, it was still one of the more interesting games of the Euro Cup betting with Spain blasting shot after shot into the Azzurri wall.

But that’s simply one of the many great memories of the Euro Cup odds betting in 2008 -a Euro Cup betting experience that is sure to live on for some time.