Political betting with Hillary and Obama at SBG Global

November 24th, 2021 Presidential Political Betting

Political betting isn’t a man’s sports and that has especially been the case between Democratic Party presidential hopefuls Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama. So far in the politic betting election odds presidential race, little has been ‘presidential’. In fact, with several months of the politic betting gamble still left to play out this could turn into the dirtiest race ever -and that could be great news for politic betting fans.

Politic betting has never been know for it’s integrity and Bob Dole perhaps said it best when he gave out this warning in his doomed run at the White House, “don’t wrestle with a pig, because you both get dirty, but the pig likes it”. Exactly who would be the pig as this expression relates to the current betting election odds presidential race would be up for debate, but there is no debating the fact that this year’s political betting has certainly gotten dirty.

Both participants in the Democratic battle have been slinging mud and the political betting has heated up accordingly. For the casual observer that type of dirty politicking -specifically in something supposedly as noble as a betting election odds presidential competition- may be off-putting but for political betting fans it’s a golden opportunity. The more mud that gets flung the more movement there is in the politic betting odds. For example, if Hillary’s camp comes out with an attention grabbing accusation one week and it sticks, the next week her political betting odds will sky rocket.

The flip-side to this is of course that the harder she campaigns in the betting election odd presidential race, the more prone she is to make a gaff, something that will likely result in very negative press and a drop in her political betting odds. The same is true of Obama and every other candidate that has ever been involved in politic betting or a major campaign of any stature.

And so while many commentators have bemoaned the dirty politics of this year’s presidential election, politic betting fans have among this faction. In fact, for political betting purposes, the dirtier the better!


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